Keusahawanan Internet
By Devi Anoop
Entrepreneurship is the act of compilation of various resources and transmute in to commercial products. The resources compiled by an entrepreneur includes innovative ideas, financial management, efforts in the growth and development of the venture, human resource management, marketing, customer relations as well as every minute input in business. The tasks of an entrepreneur are often laborious. This may range from small scale single business to large scale corporate business.
The innovative ideas in entrepreneurship include the methodologies and strategies to manufacture brand new products with the aid of spurring advanced technologies to market in novel markets. Wealth creation is a major aim of any entrepreneur. Hence the entrepreneurship must be advanced enough to tackle the demand by generating valuable cost worthy products to the customers. The main qualities required in an entrepreneurship are a seasoned professionalism, discipline and a well structured approach to handle thing in an appropriate manner. Systematical qualification is the major eligibility of an entrepreneur. Opportunity assessment and harnessing the valid opportunities is a major chore in an entrepreneurship.
An overwhelming intention to succeed, competitiveness, a solid determination, self confidence, ground breaking ideas, readiness to accept variety, incited and energetic nature etc are the major requirements for an efficient entrepreneurship. A good entrepreneur must be outstanding from the mass. A well performing entrepreneurship must handle the team of human resources proficiently retaining the team spirit of each and every employee for the efficacy of a better wealth creation. Uniqueness plays a key role in entrepreneurship also. It is not sufficient that the entrepreneurship just survive, but thrive. Relentless performance is what entrepreneurship demands.
Rather than skills, perception matters in the case of entrepreneurship. The world of an entrepreneur is always on the verge of risks. Successful entrepreneurs will be aware of the uncalculated risks. Opportunity risk is of little importance in a venture when financial risks as well as credibility risks are considered. Financial risk is a major issue since monetary issues are in to the matter. The capital input may fails to produce fruitful results in the flourishment of venture causing financial risks. It can even lead to the complete destruction of an entrepreneurship. The personal risk is laden with emotional and relational entailment. Credibility risk and value risks are another types of risks associated with entrepreneurship. Here the market fails to retain the signature of the products due to some reasons like any collapse in quality, supply, promotion etc. The entrepreneurship must be well armed to face these risks associated with the business.
The rewards of an entrepreneurship hits in various forms. A substantial entrepreneurship must give the venture challenging advantages that would create wealth. The broad experience and well seasoned entrepreneurship that perfectly balance the risks and rewards can bring out a fruitful business. The economic growth of a country highly depends on the entrepreneur clusters. Thus there is an invisible colligation between a successful entrepreneurship and national income.
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Keusahawanan Internet
Jadilah usahawan internet yang sejati, usahlah dirundung kesedihan kerana wujudnya persaingan yang sengit di dalam bidang perniagaan. Yakinlah dengan janji Ilahi di mana usahawan internet yang jujur dan beriman akan pasti berjaya di dunia dan akhirat.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
Keusahawanan Internet
Oleh: Irfan Khairi
Pastinya anda ingat rancangan game show yang sangat popular satu masa dahulu. So, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Anda ingin menjadi jutawan? Sekiranya YA, maka, berikut ada beberapa checklist untuk melihat sama ada anda layak untuk jadi Jutawan!
* Jutawan kerja > 70 jam seminggu. Dan bila sebut kerja, ianya betul-betul maksud kerja. Tidak membuang masa bersembang dan melakukan aktiviti-aktiviti yang membuang masa. Sering kali, mereka lah yang awal sampai pejabat, dan paling lewat tinggalkan pejabat. Minda dan jiwa fokus pada kerja yang perlu dilakukan. Sekiranya anda bekerja < 40 jam seminggu, maka anda perlu lipat kali gandakan usaha anda!
* Jutawan tahu secara jelas dan terperinci apa yang diinginkan. Matlamat mereka adalah jelas dan jitu. Matlamat mereka adalah besar dan sukar untuk dicapai- tetapi, tidak mustahil. Mereka yakin bahawa tidak kira besar mana pun matlamat yang di letakkan, pastinya ia akan tercapai. Keyakinan dan kejituan diri sendiri mengejar matlamat inilah mendahulukan mereka berbanding orang-orang lain. Sekiranya anda tidak mempunyai matlamat yang jelas dan terperinci, jangan teruskan bacaan anda. Berhenti dan tetapkan matlamat terlebih dahulu!
* Jutawan tahu untuk berjaya, mereka perlu bantuan orang lain. Bantuan dari segi ilmu, bantuan dari segi kewangan, bantuan dari segi sokongan, bantuan dari segi tenaga, bantuan dari segi idea dan sebagainya. 84% kejayaan seseorang bergantung kepada mereka yang dikelilingnya. Untuk berjaya, perlu sering bersama orang-orang yang berjaya. Sekiranya anda fikirkan anda "one man show" dan tidak mempunyai kenalan-kenalan yang berjaya, maka, GET OUT THERE! Kenali mereka mereka yang berjaya dan pelajari daripada mereka.
* Jutawan banyak membaca. Leaders are readers. Ilmu adalah senjata yang paling penting bagi jutawan. Sekiranya hilang satu juta ringgit, jutawan akan tahu cara untuk menjana dua huta ringgit lagi kerana aset yang paling penting bagi seseorang jutawan adalah aset ilmu di dada. Ilmu diperolehi daripada bacaan. Sekiranya anda tidak suka membaca, ketahui bahawa anda akan ditinggalkan oleh mereka yang banyak membaca.
* Tidak seperti sangkaan ramai, kebanyakan jutawan tidak suka berbelanja sesuka hati. Mereka tahu betapa sukarnya untuk memperolehi harta dan mereka sayangkan harta. Wang ringgit tidak digunakan secara membazir. Sering kali golongan jutawan menggunakan wang untuk membina lagi aset-aset seperti rumah, tanah dan pelaburan. Sekiranya anda fikirkan jutawan adalah seperti yang sering dipaparkan di kaca TV,suka membazir, maka, perbetulkan perspektif anda dahulu. Golongan ini mungkin ada, tetapi, teramat kecil. Mulakan langkah anda dengan tidak membazir.
* Jutawan banyak memberi. Menurut buku Dr Thomas Stanley, "The Millionaire's Mind" antara sikap-sikap jutawan adalah suka memberi. Hadis juga ada mengatakan bahawa sekiranya kita memberi satu dengan ikhlas, 10 akan kembali kepada kita. Jadi, sekiranya anda jenis kedekut dan tidak suka memberi, maka maaf, kelab jutawan bukanlah untuk anda!
* Walaupun bukan satu kemestian, kebanyakan jutawan lahirnya dalam bidang perniagaan. Malah, 74% Jutawan adalah hasil daripada perniagaan. Jadi, di sini adalah klu paling besar bagaimana hendak menjadi juatwan- mulakan perniagaan! Sekiranya anda tidak berminat dalam perniagaan dan anda lebih suka kerja di bawah orang, maka ianya menjadi semakin suakr untuk mencapai jutawan. Tidak mustahil, tetapi, lebih sukar... dan mengambil masa yang lebih lama!
* Jutawan tahu bahawa ianya tiada jalan pintas untuk menjadi kaya. Ianya perlu ilmu dan usaha keras siang dan malam. Maaf, no short cuts here! Sekiranya anda fikir bahawa ada caranya untuk buat duit banyak dengan cepat, duduk rumah goyang kaki boleh dapat duit berjuta, dan tanpa usaha yang setimpal, wang akan jatuh ke riba anda, maka anda silap, silap dan silap! Memikirkan bahawa terdapat cara mudah menjana wanglah terjadinya ramai "Mat jenin jutawan" terperangkap dengan penipuan-penipuan scam dan skim-skim cepat kaya.
Sekiranya anda setuju dengan checklist di atas, maka, selamat datang ke kelab jutawan! Anda telah melalui langkah pertama dan besedia untuk "bertanding" dalam "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" edisi realiti. Tetapi, perlu berpijak di bumi yang nyata. Membaca segalanya di atas dan memahaminya adalah satu perkara.
Mempraktikkan apa yang di baca dan mengaplikasikannya setiap hari dan setiap masa, adalah perkara yang lain. Kata-kata berbunyi "Knowledge is power" sebenarnya salah. Ilmu bukanlah satu kekuatan dan kehebatan. Ilmu yang DIAPLIKASIKAN adalah kekuatan yang sebenar.
Keusahawanan Internet
Oleh: Irfan Khairi
Pastinya anda ingat rancangan game show yang sangat popular satu masa dahulu. So, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Anda ingin menjadi jutawan? Sekiranya YA, maka, berikut ada beberapa checklist untuk melihat sama ada anda layak untuk jadi Jutawan!
* Jutawan kerja > 70 jam seminggu. Dan bila sebut kerja, ianya betul-betul maksud kerja. Tidak membuang masa bersembang dan melakukan aktiviti-aktiviti yang membuang masa. Sering kali, mereka lah yang awal sampai pejabat, dan paling lewat tinggalkan pejabat. Minda dan jiwa fokus pada kerja yang perlu dilakukan. Sekiranya anda bekerja < 40 jam seminggu, maka anda perlu lipat kali gandakan usaha anda!
* Jutawan tahu secara jelas dan terperinci apa yang diinginkan. Matlamat mereka adalah jelas dan jitu. Matlamat mereka adalah besar dan sukar untuk dicapai- tetapi, tidak mustahil. Mereka yakin bahawa tidak kira besar mana pun matlamat yang di letakkan, pastinya ia akan tercapai. Keyakinan dan kejituan diri sendiri mengejar matlamat inilah mendahulukan mereka berbanding orang-orang lain. Sekiranya anda tidak mempunyai matlamat yang jelas dan terperinci, jangan teruskan bacaan anda. Berhenti dan tetapkan matlamat terlebih dahulu!
* Jutawan tahu untuk berjaya, mereka perlu bantuan orang lain. Bantuan dari segi ilmu, bantuan dari segi kewangan, bantuan dari segi sokongan, bantuan dari segi tenaga, bantuan dari segi idea dan sebagainya. 84% kejayaan seseorang bergantung kepada mereka yang dikelilingnya. Untuk berjaya, perlu sering bersama orang-orang yang berjaya. Sekiranya anda fikirkan anda "one man show" dan tidak mempunyai kenalan-kenalan yang berjaya, maka, GET OUT THERE! Kenali mereka mereka yang berjaya dan pelajari daripada mereka.
* Jutawan banyak membaca. Leaders are readers. Ilmu adalah senjata yang paling penting bagi jutawan. Sekiranya hilang satu juta ringgit, jutawan akan tahu cara untuk menjana dua huta ringgit lagi kerana aset yang paling penting bagi seseorang jutawan adalah aset ilmu di dada. Ilmu diperolehi daripada bacaan. Sekiranya anda tidak suka membaca, ketahui bahawa anda akan ditinggalkan oleh mereka yang banyak membaca.
* Tidak seperti sangkaan ramai, kebanyakan jutawan tidak suka berbelanja sesuka hati. Mereka tahu betapa sukarnya untuk memperolehi harta dan mereka sayangkan harta. Wang ringgit tidak digunakan secara membazir. Sering kali golongan jutawan menggunakan wang untuk membina lagi aset-aset seperti rumah, tanah dan pelaburan. Sekiranya anda fikirkan jutawan adalah seperti yang sering dipaparkan di kaca TV,suka membazir, maka, perbetulkan perspektif anda dahulu. Golongan ini mungkin ada, tetapi, teramat kecil. Mulakan langkah anda dengan tidak membazir.
* Jutawan banyak memberi. Menurut buku Dr Thomas Stanley, "The Millionaire's Mind" antara sikap-sikap jutawan adalah suka memberi. Hadis juga ada mengatakan bahawa sekiranya kita memberi satu dengan ikhlas, 10 akan kembali kepada kita. Jadi, sekiranya anda jenis kedekut dan tidak suka memberi, maka maaf, kelab jutawan bukanlah untuk anda!
* Walaupun bukan satu kemestian, kebanyakan jutawan lahirnya dalam bidang perniagaan. Malah, 74% Jutawan adalah hasil daripada perniagaan. Jadi, di sini adalah klu paling besar bagaimana hendak menjadi juatwan- mulakan perniagaan! Sekiranya anda tidak berminat dalam perniagaan dan anda lebih suka kerja di bawah orang, maka ianya menjadi semakin suakr untuk mencapai jutawan. Tidak mustahil, tetapi, lebih sukar... dan mengambil masa yang lebih lama!
* Jutawan tahu bahawa ianya tiada jalan pintas untuk menjadi kaya. Ianya perlu ilmu dan usaha keras siang dan malam. Maaf, no short cuts here! Sekiranya anda fikir bahawa ada caranya untuk buat duit banyak dengan cepat, duduk rumah goyang kaki boleh dapat duit berjuta, dan tanpa usaha yang setimpal, wang akan jatuh ke riba anda, maka anda silap, silap dan silap! Memikirkan bahawa terdapat cara mudah menjana wanglah terjadinya ramai "Mat jenin jutawan" terperangkap dengan penipuan-penipuan scam dan skim-skim cepat kaya.
Sekiranya anda setuju dengan checklist di atas, maka, selamat datang ke kelab jutawan! Anda telah melalui langkah pertama dan besedia untuk "bertanding" dalam "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" edisi realiti. Tetapi, perlu berpijak di bumi yang nyata. Membaca segalanya di atas dan memahaminya adalah satu perkara.
Mempraktikkan apa yang di baca dan mengaplikasikannya setiap hari dan setiap masa, adalah perkara yang lain. Kata-kata berbunyi "Knowledge is power" sebenarnya salah. Ilmu bukanlah satu kekuatan dan kehebatan. Ilmu yang DIAPLIKASIKAN adalah kekuatan yang sebenar.
Keusahawanan Internet
Friday, February 26, 2010
Internet Entrepreneurship - Your Options
Internet Entrepreneurship
By Elena Kazanova
There has been lots of talk about Internet entrepreneurship nowadays and more and more individuals are starting an online business. Yet, the concept of Internet entrepreneurship is still foreign and confusing to many individuals especially those who are not Internet and computer savvy.
If you are one of these individuals, then you have come to the right place because here you will learn about your different options when it comes to establishing an online business. So if you want to join the ranks of the Internet entrepreneurs, it is best that you first get to know the choices available to you so you can make a proper decision about where to invest your time, money and other resources.
Affiliate Marketing -- This is a way of making money on the Internet by working as an affiliate of companies or individuals and help them sell their products. You make money through the commission from every sale that you have made. Affiliate marketing is considered as one of the easiest ways to make money on the Internet because of the fact that with it you don't have to create your own product or develop a service.
Multi-Level-Marketing (MLM) -- This is a very popular way of making money both online and offline. It is called as such because of the marketing structure involved in it which is usually made up of several levels. In MLM, you can earn not only from the sales that you have made but also from the sales of the people under you in the structure which are called downlines. This is a viable business opportunity that has produced many millionaires already.
Network Marketing -- This is often mistaken for MLM but it is actually a much broader concept. This is a form of marketing, used both online and offline, where social and interpersonal networks are used to promote a product or service. This is one of the best ways to make money on the Internet since it makes use of a very common human phenomenon which is linking with each other and creating relationships.
These are just some of the options available for those who want to become Internet entrepreneurs.
Article Source:
Internet Entrepreneurship
By Elena Kazanova
There has been lots of talk about Internet entrepreneurship nowadays and more and more individuals are starting an online business. Yet, the concept of Internet entrepreneurship is still foreign and confusing to many individuals especially those who are not Internet and computer savvy.
If you are one of these individuals, then you have come to the right place because here you will learn about your different options when it comes to establishing an online business. So if you want to join the ranks of the Internet entrepreneurs, it is best that you first get to know the choices available to you so you can make a proper decision about where to invest your time, money and other resources.
Affiliate Marketing -- This is a way of making money on the Internet by working as an affiliate of companies or individuals and help them sell their products. You make money through the commission from every sale that you have made. Affiliate marketing is considered as one of the easiest ways to make money on the Internet because of the fact that with it you don't have to create your own product or develop a service.
Multi-Level-Marketing (MLM) -- This is a very popular way of making money both online and offline. It is called as such because of the marketing structure involved in it which is usually made up of several levels. In MLM, you can earn not only from the sales that you have made but also from the sales of the people under you in the structure which are called downlines. This is a viable business opportunity that has produced many millionaires already.
Network Marketing -- This is often mistaken for MLM but it is actually a much broader concept. This is a form of marketing, used both online and offline, where social and interpersonal networks are used to promote a product or service. This is one of the best ways to make money on the Internet since it makes use of a very common human phenomenon which is linking with each other and creating relationships.
These are just some of the options available for those who want to become Internet entrepreneurs.
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Internet Entrepreneurship
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Getting Started In Home Business
Home Business
By Ian Canaway
If you're like most people, it's hard to make ends meet with just one income. If you are married, both partners must work, spending countless thousands of dollars on childcare and business clothes. To offset their monetary deficit, many people are looking into getting started in their own home business. Both full-time and part-time home businesses can be operated from the comfort of your own home.
Some people are making extra money to pay for extras, while others have turned their home business into a primary source of income. Some people use their home business as a diversion, to have fun and earn a little "pocket money." The important thing is that they are taking positive action, rather than waiting for a financial disaster. They are setting the stage to improve their lives - something you can do too.
Multi-level marketing, mail order businesses and other in-home businesses are very popular. If this way of earning extra income appeals to you, by all means check out the possibilities. These are not the only ways you can operate from home. There are many ways of getting started in your own home business that you should investigate.
Some other ways of getting started in your own home business include on-line businesses such as a typing service, ghost writing for others, creating ad copy, dating services, credit counselling service, producing how-to DVD's or videos on various topics, preparing resumes, etc. In reality, the options for getting started in your own home business are almost unlimited.
One of your first tasks in getting started in your own home business is to do some market research. Discover for yourself how many competitors you will come up against. Then take a look at how many potential clients would be willing to pay for your services. In other words, define your market and identify your potential clients and customers. After you check the pertinent data, discuss your plans with other knowledgeable people and get their ideas and suggestions. Your next task will then be to develop a detailed business plan. The more details you write out the better - cover all your bases as to just how you'll do everything that should get done, and the time line for doing them. You want to make it as easy as possible to be successful.
Your business plan should show how much money, if any, you will have to invest, your plan for getting the word out that you're open for business, the exact procedures you plan to use, and how much time you will need to invest. Avoid "jumping in feet first" without first getting all the facts and figures together to avoid finding out that the time and costs involved are too much, which could lead to failure and disappointment. It will pay off in the long run to develop your plans and outline them in a written report prior to getting started in your own home business. Your chances of success will be greater if you know what to expect before launching your home business.
After you have identified your target market and know who your potential customers will be, how you're going to get your service to them and you've identified the time and money it will take to run your business, you're ready to put your plans into motion and get started with your own home business.
I started out in home business following a business model created by Stone Evans aka 'The Home Biz Guy'; I found it to be an excellent starting point for launching my own home business. I now have my own new website, blog and newsletter; you too can achieve home business success if you truly want it. Set yourself goals and follow a clear plan of action to ensure you achieve everything you desire.
"A man would do nothing, if he waited until he could do it so well that no one at all would find fault with what he has done." -- Cardinal Newman
Start your home business today and live your dreams.
Copyright © Ian Canaway
Now You Can Discover The Quick and Easy System To Create An Online Income In Just 7 Days For FREE. Click this link to learn more... The Recipe Book Income System
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Home Business
By Ian Canaway
If you're like most people, it's hard to make ends meet with just one income. If you are married, both partners must work, spending countless thousands of dollars on childcare and business clothes. To offset their monetary deficit, many people are looking into getting started in their own home business. Both full-time and part-time home businesses can be operated from the comfort of your own home.
Some people are making extra money to pay for extras, while others have turned their home business into a primary source of income. Some people use their home business as a diversion, to have fun and earn a little "pocket money." The important thing is that they are taking positive action, rather than waiting for a financial disaster. They are setting the stage to improve their lives - something you can do too.
Multi-level marketing, mail order businesses and other in-home businesses are very popular. If this way of earning extra income appeals to you, by all means check out the possibilities. These are not the only ways you can operate from home. There are many ways of getting started in your own home business that you should investigate.
Some other ways of getting started in your own home business include on-line businesses such as a typing service, ghost writing for others, creating ad copy, dating services, credit counselling service, producing how-to DVD's or videos on various topics, preparing resumes, etc. In reality, the options for getting started in your own home business are almost unlimited.
One of your first tasks in getting started in your own home business is to do some market research. Discover for yourself how many competitors you will come up against. Then take a look at how many potential clients would be willing to pay for your services. In other words, define your market and identify your potential clients and customers. After you check the pertinent data, discuss your plans with other knowledgeable people and get their ideas and suggestions. Your next task will then be to develop a detailed business plan. The more details you write out the better - cover all your bases as to just how you'll do everything that should get done, and the time line for doing them. You want to make it as easy as possible to be successful.
Your business plan should show how much money, if any, you will have to invest, your plan for getting the word out that you're open for business, the exact procedures you plan to use, and how much time you will need to invest. Avoid "jumping in feet first" without first getting all the facts and figures together to avoid finding out that the time and costs involved are too much, which could lead to failure and disappointment. It will pay off in the long run to develop your plans and outline them in a written report prior to getting started in your own home business. Your chances of success will be greater if you know what to expect before launching your home business.
After you have identified your target market and know who your potential customers will be, how you're going to get your service to them and you've identified the time and money it will take to run your business, you're ready to put your plans into motion and get started with your own home business.
I started out in home business following a business model created by Stone Evans aka 'The Home Biz Guy'; I found it to be an excellent starting point for launching my own home business. I now have my own new website, blog and newsletter; you too can achieve home business success if you truly want it. Set yourself goals and follow a clear plan of action to ensure you achieve everything you desire.
"A man would do nothing, if he waited until he could do it so well that no one at all would find fault with what he has done." -- Cardinal Newman
Start your home business today and live your dreams.
Copyright © Ian Canaway
Now You Can Discover The Quick and Easy System To Create An Online Income In Just 7 Days For FREE. Click this link to learn more... The Recipe Book Income System
Article Source:
Home Business
Thursday, January 21, 2010
7 Reasons Why Entrepreneurship Development Must Be Massively Supported
Keusahawanan Internet
By Ajaero Tony Martins Ifeanyi
Entrepreneurship happens to be a subject I am very passionate about, right from age 15 till date. The challenge of building businesses from scratch, negotiating deals and investing in other people's business thrills me. Since the age of 15, I have been devoted to the lifelong study of entrepreneurship and investing. But even as an experienced entrepreneur, I still look up to my mentors for guidance and inspiration. I think it's worthwhile I mention their names and what I have been gaining from them all these years or better still, I will dedicate an article to them later on. Now let's proceed with the business of the day.
The word "Entrepreneurship" might sound unimportant or common to your ears, but I will advise you spend a little time on this article and get the tits and bits of what I am about sharing. The word entrepreneurship suggests several meanings and if a poll were to be conducted, I bet we will come up with 101 definitions of the term entrepreneurship.
Now what is entrepreneurship? According to Stevenson, "Entrepreneurship is the process of creating value by pulling together a unique package of resources to exploit an opportunity". It can also be said to be the readiness and skill of either an individual or group of personalities to sniff out investments opportunities, start business ventures and run enterprises successfully.
But the definition I find thrilling is still that of Howard Stevenson, a college professor, "entrepreneurship is the pursuit of opportunity without regards to resources currently controlled". I feel this definition is the best so far and I thank my mentor, Robert Kiyosaki, for bringing it to my notice. So if the term entrepreneurship is now clear, then you may ask, "Why stress the need for entrepreneurship development?
Entrepreneurship development must be massively supported because it has the potential to achieve the following:
1) Create jobs through the formation of new business ventures.
2) Utilize available manpower and resources that might have remain idle and put them into productive use.
3) Entrepreneurship development makes it possible for individuals to create wealth, independence and status for themselves.
4) Stimulates growth in other sectors with increase in demand and supply.
5) Increases productivity by means of innovation.
6) Facilitate and increase the need for technology.
7) Boost the economy and increases the nation's GDP.
8) Entrepreneurship development can reduce dependence on social security and Medicare.
With this few points, I hope I have been able to throw more light on the need for individuals to embrace entrepreneurship as a way of life and a means to better the society. Join the entrepreneur's train and I will see you at the top.
I know you have been challenged by this article. To further boost your entrepreneur spirit, i am going to reveal to you 101 underground Secrets of building a Multi Million Dollar Business from scratch. If you are ready, Go now to
Article Source:
Keusahawanan Internet
By Ajaero Tony Martins Ifeanyi
Entrepreneurship happens to be a subject I am very passionate about, right from age 15 till date. The challenge of building businesses from scratch, negotiating deals and investing in other people's business thrills me. Since the age of 15, I have been devoted to the lifelong study of entrepreneurship and investing. But even as an experienced entrepreneur, I still look up to my mentors for guidance and inspiration. I think it's worthwhile I mention their names and what I have been gaining from them all these years or better still, I will dedicate an article to them later on. Now let's proceed with the business of the day.
The word "Entrepreneurship" might sound unimportant or common to your ears, but I will advise you spend a little time on this article and get the tits and bits of what I am about sharing. The word entrepreneurship suggests several meanings and if a poll were to be conducted, I bet we will come up with 101 definitions of the term entrepreneurship.
Now what is entrepreneurship? According to Stevenson, "Entrepreneurship is the process of creating value by pulling together a unique package of resources to exploit an opportunity". It can also be said to be the readiness and skill of either an individual or group of personalities to sniff out investments opportunities, start business ventures and run enterprises successfully.
But the definition I find thrilling is still that of Howard Stevenson, a college professor, "entrepreneurship is the pursuit of opportunity without regards to resources currently controlled". I feel this definition is the best so far and I thank my mentor, Robert Kiyosaki, for bringing it to my notice. So if the term entrepreneurship is now clear, then you may ask, "Why stress the need for entrepreneurship development?
Entrepreneurship development must be massively supported because it has the potential to achieve the following:
1) Create jobs through the formation of new business ventures.
2) Utilize available manpower and resources that might have remain idle and put them into productive use.
3) Entrepreneurship development makes it possible for individuals to create wealth, independence and status for themselves.
4) Stimulates growth in other sectors with increase in demand and supply.
5) Increases productivity by means of innovation.
6) Facilitate and increase the need for technology.
7) Boost the economy and increases the nation's GDP.
8) Entrepreneurship development can reduce dependence on social security and Medicare.
With this few points, I hope I have been able to throw more light on the need for individuals to embrace entrepreneurship as a way of life and a means to better the society. Join the entrepreneur's train and I will see you at the top.
I know you have been challenged by this article. To further boost your entrepreneur spirit, i am going to reveal to you 101 underground Secrets of building a Multi Million Dollar Business from scratch. If you are ready, Go now to
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Keusahawanan Internet
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Social Entrepreneurship - Now is the Time
Keusahawanan Internet
By Paul Van Putten
Social entrepreneurship is a major area of interest in many social and civic organizations and has a significant impact on many areas of society. During the past decade economic resources have become more difficult to acquire and society has continued to exhibit economic and cultural decline. Concurrently, communities are in need of initiatives that will enhance their financial viability and programs that will enhance the overall viability of the population.
Social entrepreneurship initiatives are ventures that can serve as a method of increasing the social value of a community, organization or cause while enhancing the financial viability of a not-for-profit organization. With this being stated, social entrepreneurship has been defined in different ways by many different theorists. Gary McPherson, Executive Administrator of the Canada Centre for Social Entrepreneurship, states that social entrepreneurship involves various individuals working toward meeting social and economic goals simultaneously; while Bill Drayton, CEO of Ashoka, defines social entrepreneurship as a term coined to describe "individuals who combine the pragmatic and results oriented methods of a business entrepreneur with the goals of social reform."
A more basic definition of social entrepreneurship states that it is "the process of using entrepreneurial and business skills to create innovative approaches to social problems." Therefore, it is a methodology that is presently being used to resolve community and societal concerns globally. Social entrepreneurship as an area of specialized entrepreneurship is not defined by the same titling in every culture. For example, in Latin America countries social entrepreneurship initiatives are referred to as "Micro Enterprise." In India the same program would be identified as a "Social Mission." Though termed differently in various regions, social entrepreneurship initiatives are being implemented to solve specific societal and community concerns by focusing on the needs and resource availability within specific geographic regions.
Social Entrepreneurship in Education Throughout the United States, many top tertiary level academic institutions are enhancing their business programs by including a curriculum that caters to the study of social entrepreneurship. In 2003, the Center for Responsible Business was launched on the University of California Berkley Campus. This subsidiary of the Haas School of Business was implemented with the intent of training students to be more principled and socially responsible members of society through attending "the preeminent educational institution in area of Corporate Social Responsibility." Stanford University also has established a Center for Social Innovation as a part of its graduate school of business. This center was founded with the mission to "build and strengthen the capacity of individuals and organizations to develop innovative solutions to social problems for a more just, sustainable and healthy world."
In 1993, Harvard Business School started its social enterprise program with its mission of "generating and sharing knowledge to help individuals and organizations to create social value in the not-for-profit, private and public sectors," and the University of Miami has refocused its business school curriculum to include coursework in the areas of ethical-decision making, social entrepreneurship and community engagement with the primary focus being to expose students to various areas of civic engagement while concurrently teaching them leadership and team building skills.
Tertiary level institutions, including Duke, which has established a Center for the Advancement of Social Entrepreneurship as part of its Fuqua School of Business, and Columbia University where the research initiative on social entrepreneurship is embedded in its school of business, have also made strides to enhance the study and education of those seeking to venture into areas of social entrepreneurship and social venture implementation. The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business-International (AACSB - International) has identified over twenty-four tertiary level institutions that have included social entrepreneurship as a part of their business college and or business curriculums.
With social entrepreneurship being perceived by many as a new way of stimulating social change, Idee Winfield believes that the implementation of community-focused service learning projects is the first step in exposing youth to the various attributes associated with social entrepreneurship. Through community involvement, youth will begin to visualize and experience the various social issues within their community and envision ways to solve these problems. Winfield states that social entrepreneurship should be promoted in primary and secondary education, and coursework should be adjusted to allow students to "see how abstract socially focused concepts can have real world applicability." Jeffrey Soderborg, a member of the Kauffman Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership Clearinghouse on Entrepreneurship Education, is also an ardent proponent of social venture education who believes that social entrepreneurship would be more readily accepted if youth were exposed to information expounding the laurels of these initiatives during their primary and secondary academic years.
As youth expand their horizons through the establishment of entrepreneurial efforts, knowledge and exposure to information about the process involved in the establishment of entrepreneurial business effectively plays a major role in the rate at which business entities are established. A study focusing on entrepreneurial interests among black youth ages 14 to 19 identified that 75% of the youth surveyed had interest in becoming entrepreneur. The study also found that these minority youth believed that more information about entrepreneurship should be presented through their schools. They also believed that entrepreneurs have a responsibility to reinvest in their community.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Personal values often serve as the justification for entrepreneurs to focus organizational efforts on socially focused ventures. The organizational decision to forgo pursuing financial gain with the intent of using the corporations' profit resources to enhance a community is often referred to corporate social entrepreneurship. Corporate Social Entrepreneur (CSE) is a term used to describe corporate initiatives whose primary focus is to enhance a social concern and whose secondary focus is financial gain. The corporate social entrepreneur differs from the financial profit seeking entrepreneur in the area of decisions made that affect the community and environment in which their organization functions. Research identified that in corporate social entrepreneurship business acumen serves as a factor in the success or failure of social venture initiative implementation. Research identifies that success factors associated with the implementation of social responsibility initiatives were linked to whether the entrepreneur exhibits behavior that is moral, amoral or immoral.
The amoral entrepreneur would pursue initiatives only if they were deemed acceptable by the organization as a whole. The immoral entrepreneur implements initiatives based on what can be potentially gained for self as well as for the stakeholders, while the moral entrepreneur would pursue social responsibility initiatives based on what was in the best interest of the organization. Individuals identified as corporate social entrepreneurs are individuals who are more active in community activities and are actively involved in social responsibility efforts. Corporate social entrepreneurs also are more likely to implement social responsibility initiatives based on an organization's long term objectives.
While many corporations are looking for ways to increase their social responsibility efforts, in some regions corporate responsibility efforts are not progressing. A policy paper, "Corporate Social Responsibility in Latin America and the Caribbean," documented that corporate social responsibility activity in this region has "stalled." The reason for stagnation in this region is "minimal government involvement" and the lack of "private sector involvement." It was also identified that initiatives to implement programs focusing on social responsibility are often initiated outside of the market, and then subsequently not embraced by stakeholders who reside within this geographic region.
Corporations are continually looking for ways to increase corporate advantage through their social responsibility efforts. While proponents of corporate social responsibility believe that corporations are obligated morally to engage in efforts to enhance social, community and environmental concerns, many stakeholders believe that social involvement should only be initiated if the efforts are going to strengthen the organization's image, brand, moral or stock value. With this in mind, corporations have separated social issues into specific categories.
These categories are social concerns that are general, social concerns that are value chain based and concerns that focus on social dimensions of competitive contrast. Generic social issues are identified as social concerns that do not directly affect the company's operation and do not have an effect on a company's competitive advantage. Corporations are least likely to get involved or invest in projects that focus in these areas because they will not receive a high value of return on their involvement. Value Chain Social Impact issues can significantly affect a company's operation and can have an impact on the way a company conducts business. Corporations are more likely to be involved in value chain concerns, but only after conducting due diligence studies to ensure that a return on investment will be achieved over time.
Social issues that affect a company's financial profitability or serve to enhance or increase a company's competitive edge are likely to be areas that a company will invest in because of the direct impact that these initiatives will have on the company's overall viability and stability. An example of a social dimension projects is General Electric's investment in under-performing high schools throughout the country. General Electric believes that through investing financial and professional resources in under-performing high schools in areas where they have substantial financial investment, they are investing in enhancing a community, as well as directly increasing their future employment prospects.
Whole Foods Market is an organization that has taken control of its social value position through purchasing products from local farmers. Also, Whole Foods maintains strict controls over all of the products produced and sold in all of its locations. They even have extended their social and ecological efforts through offsetting the use of in-store electricity with the installation of wind conversion generators, converting their trucks to operate on bio-fuel and trucking spoiled produce to regionally located compost sites. Though the investments in these technologies may be costly at the onset, the long term financial, civic and market exposure benefits far exceed any initial costs incurred.
In the area of corporate philanthropy many corporations are at a loss. They continue to be involved in the conflict between philanthropic giving and investor requests for increased profits. For this reason many corporations engage in context-giving programs. Context-giving programs are programs that are defined as allotting resources to specific projects that will enhance the community while simultaneously enhancing the corporation.
Examples of context-giving initiatives include the Cisco System Networking Academy, which trains computer network administrators and provides job opportunities to those who complete the program; the DreamWorks SKG film production program that trains low-income individuals in occupations that are needed in the film and entertainment industry; and American Express Travel and Tourism Academy which trains high school youth for careers in the hospitality and tourism industry. Corporations that invest in corporate-giving social venture programs are concurrently gaining positive return on their social investment, improving the economic climate of the communities where they are located and gaining positive exposure for their organizations.
At times social ventures do not have the intended impact on the community. A study focusing on the impact of community focused business ventures found that businesses started with the intent of enhancing a community often lose focus by becoming focused on profitability and competition. Competition and self-focused motivators were identified to be factors that played an additional role in the impact and economic role that entrepreneurial ventures have in community settings.
While many foundations, trusts and philanthropic organizations, accumulate and distribute resources with the intent of providing services to enhance specific community or social causes, many of these organizations are looking for ways to gain public exposure for their efforts. Organizations also attempt to leverage their gifting efforts through seeking not-for-profit organizations that are willing match the funding received. The success of funded programs is evaluated through performance outcomes and indicators, and through promoting the organization's work through success stories provided by program clients. These methods are viable ways for funding agencies to acquire value and exposure through their philanthropic efforts and simultaneously continue their efforts to enhance the communities in which they invest.
With the social philanthropic efforts of Warren Buffet and Bill Gates gaining a high degree of attention, and many leaders engaging in activities to promote social advocacy, corporations are seeking ways to also gain exposure with social entrepreneurship. Social entrepreneurship from the corporate perspective can be defined as corporate social initiatives used by a corporate entity as vehicle to show support for social causes. In recent years, many Fortune 500 companies have implemented social ventures with the intent of enhancing their corporate image through providing funding for various social causes.
McDonald's is one such company that has funded social causes for many years. McDonald's primary social venture is the Ronald McDonald House Charities. The Ronald McDonald House provides lodging for the families of adolescents, ranging in age from birth to 18, who are receiving critical care for illness in communities that are away from their community of residence. The Ronald McDonald House allows families to reside in these temporary living facilities throughout the child's period of treatment at no charge.
The Federal Express Corporation also funds programs focused on the implementation of socially responsible programs. FedEx is a supporter of St. Jude's Children's Hospital and has been acknowledged by Reader's Digest as one of "Americas Best Charity Minded Corporation." Federal Express has also been recognized for providing funding for numerous community and civic organizations, including March of Dimes, Heart to Heart organization, an organization that focuses on delivering food and health resources globally, the United Way and the National Civil Rights Museum. These are just a few of the charitable initiatives that allow Federal Express to present itself as a socially conscious organization.
Virgin Mobile has partnered with Youth Noise, a not-for-profit organization that brings youth together for networking and brainstorming opportunities, and Stand Up for Kids, the largest all volunteer not-for-profit organizations in the United States, to implement an initiative to expand its corporate social responsibility activities. The project involves recording artists donating ring tones to Virgin Mobile and through partnership agreements, 5% of the proceeds received through ring tone sales are donated to various "Virgin Mobile Charity Partners." This initiative, established in June 2006, is being positioned to raise over $250,000 annually.
For social ventures to gain global acceptance, corporations need to become involved in ventures that allow employees and consumers to see the social, community and external benefit of these ventures. This process is identified in countries south of the United States, where the concept of social responsibility is one that has been embraced by many but implemented by few. Many government organizations expect non-government, or private organizations to take responsibility for ensuring the stability and longevity of the resources throughout this region while the private sector is looking toward government agencies for intervention.
Paul Van Putten, is an educator, entrepreneur and business consultant in the areas of social entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial start-up, marketing, media management and leadership engagement. Dr. Van Putten has seamlessly transitioned between both academic and corporate environments having served as a College President and Corporate CEO. He has also served as a consultant with national and international organizations.
Article Source:
Keusahawanan Internet
By Paul Van Putten
Social entrepreneurship is a major area of interest in many social and civic organizations and has a significant impact on many areas of society. During the past decade economic resources have become more difficult to acquire and society has continued to exhibit economic and cultural decline. Concurrently, communities are in need of initiatives that will enhance their financial viability and programs that will enhance the overall viability of the population.
Social entrepreneurship initiatives are ventures that can serve as a method of increasing the social value of a community, organization or cause while enhancing the financial viability of a not-for-profit organization. With this being stated, social entrepreneurship has been defined in different ways by many different theorists. Gary McPherson, Executive Administrator of the Canada Centre for Social Entrepreneurship, states that social entrepreneurship involves various individuals working toward meeting social and economic goals simultaneously; while Bill Drayton, CEO of Ashoka, defines social entrepreneurship as a term coined to describe "individuals who combine the pragmatic and results oriented methods of a business entrepreneur with the goals of social reform."
A more basic definition of social entrepreneurship states that it is "the process of using entrepreneurial and business skills to create innovative approaches to social problems." Therefore, it is a methodology that is presently being used to resolve community and societal concerns globally. Social entrepreneurship as an area of specialized entrepreneurship is not defined by the same titling in every culture. For example, in Latin America countries social entrepreneurship initiatives are referred to as "Micro Enterprise." In India the same program would be identified as a "Social Mission." Though termed differently in various regions, social entrepreneurship initiatives are being implemented to solve specific societal and community concerns by focusing on the needs and resource availability within specific geographic regions.
Social Entrepreneurship in Education Throughout the United States, many top tertiary level academic institutions are enhancing their business programs by including a curriculum that caters to the study of social entrepreneurship. In 2003, the Center for Responsible Business was launched on the University of California Berkley Campus. This subsidiary of the Haas School of Business was implemented with the intent of training students to be more principled and socially responsible members of society through attending "the preeminent educational institution in area of Corporate Social Responsibility." Stanford University also has established a Center for Social Innovation as a part of its graduate school of business. This center was founded with the mission to "build and strengthen the capacity of individuals and organizations to develop innovative solutions to social problems for a more just, sustainable and healthy world."
In 1993, Harvard Business School started its social enterprise program with its mission of "generating and sharing knowledge to help individuals and organizations to create social value in the not-for-profit, private and public sectors," and the University of Miami has refocused its business school curriculum to include coursework in the areas of ethical-decision making, social entrepreneurship and community engagement with the primary focus being to expose students to various areas of civic engagement while concurrently teaching them leadership and team building skills.
Tertiary level institutions, including Duke, which has established a Center for the Advancement of Social Entrepreneurship as part of its Fuqua School of Business, and Columbia University where the research initiative on social entrepreneurship is embedded in its school of business, have also made strides to enhance the study and education of those seeking to venture into areas of social entrepreneurship and social venture implementation. The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business-International (AACSB - International) has identified over twenty-four tertiary level institutions that have included social entrepreneurship as a part of their business college and or business curriculums.
With social entrepreneurship being perceived by many as a new way of stimulating social change, Idee Winfield believes that the implementation of community-focused service learning projects is the first step in exposing youth to the various attributes associated with social entrepreneurship. Through community involvement, youth will begin to visualize and experience the various social issues within their community and envision ways to solve these problems. Winfield states that social entrepreneurship should be promoted in primary and secondary education, and coursework should be adjusted to allow students to "see how abstract socially focused concepts can have real world applicability." Jeffrey Soderborg, a member of the Kauffman Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership Clearinghouse on Entrepreneurship Education, is also an ardent proponent of social venture education who believes that social entrepreneurship would be more readily accepted if youth were exposed to information expounding the laurels of these initiatives during their primary and secondary academic years.
As youth expand their horizons through the establishment of entrepreneurial efforts, knowledge and exposure to information about the process involved in the establishment of entrepreneurial business effectively plays a major role in the rate at which business entities are established. A study focusing on entrepreneurial interests among black youth ages 14 to 19 identified that 75% of the youth surveyed had interest in becoming entrepreneur. The study also found that these minority youth believed that more information about entrepreneurship should be presented through their schools. They also believed that entrepreneurs have a responsibility to reinvest in their community.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Personal values often serve as the justification for entrepreneurs to focus organizational efforts on socially focused ventures. The organizational decision to forgo pursuing financial gain with the intent of using the corporations' profit resources to enhance a community is often referred to corporate social entrepreneurship. Corporate Social Entrepreneur (CSE) is a term used to describe corporate initiatives whose primary focus is to enhance a social concern and whose secondary focus is financial gain. The corporate social entrepreneur differs from the financial profit seeking entrepreneur in the area of decisions made that affect the community and environment in which their organization functions. Research identified that in corporate social entrepreneurship business acumen serves as a factor in the success or failure of social venture initiative implementation. Research identifies that success factors associated with the implementation of social responsibility initiatives were linked to whether the entrepreneur exhibits behavior that is moral, amoral or immoral.
The amoral entrepreneur would pursue initiatives only if they were deemed acceptable by the organization as a whole. The immoral entrepreneur implements initiatives based on what can be potentially gained for self as well as for the stakeholders, while the moral entrepreneur would pursue social responsibility initiatives based on what was in the best interest of the organization. Individuals identified as corporate social entrepreneurs are individuals who are more active in community activities and are actively involved in social responsibility efforts. Corporate social entrepreneurs also are more likely to implement social responsibility initiatives based on an organization's long term objectives.
While many corporations are looking for ways to increase their social responsibility efforts, in some regions corporate responsibility efforts are not progressing. A policy paper, "Corporate Social Responsibility in Latin America and the Caribbean," documented that corporate social responsibility activity in this region has "stalled." The reason for stagnation in this region is "minimal government involvement" and the lack of "private sector involvement." It was also identified that initiatives to implement programs focusing on social responsibility are often initiated outside of the market, and then subsequently not embraced by stakeholders who reside within this geographic region.
Corporations are continually looking for ways to increase corporate advantage through their social responsibility efforts. While proponents of corporate social responsibility believe that corporations are obligated morally to engage in efforts to enhance social, community and environmental concerns, many stakeholders believe that social involvement should only be initiated if the efforts are going to strengthen the organization's image, brand, moral or stock value. With this in mind, corporations have separated social issues into specific categories.
These categories are social concerns that are general, social concerns that are value chain based and concerns that focus on social dimensions of competitive contrast. Generic social issues are identified as social concerns that do not directly affect the company's operation and do not have an effect on a company's competitive advantage. Corporations are least likely to get involved or invest in projects that focus in these areas because they will not receive a high value of return on their involvement. Value Chain Social Impact issues can significantly affect a company's operation and can have an impact on the way a company conducts business. Corporations are more likely to be involved in value chain concerns, but only after conducting due diligence studies to ensure that a return on investment will be achieved over time.
Social issues that affect a company's financial profitability or serve to enhance or increase a company's competitive edge are likely to be areas that a company will invest in because of the direct impact that these initiatives will have on the company's overall viability and stability. An example of a social dimension projects is General Electric's investment in under-performing high schools throughout the country. General Electric believes that through investing financial and professional resources in under-performing high schools in areas where they have substantial financial investment, they are investing in enhancing a community, as well as directly increasing their future employment prospects.
Whole Foods Market is an organization that has taken control of its social value position through purchasing products from local farmers. Also, Whole Foods maintains strict controls over all of the products produced and sold in all of its locations. They even have extended their social and ecological efforts through offsetting the use of in-store electricity with the installation of wind conversion generators, converting their trucks to operate on bio-fuel and trucking spoiled produce to regionally located compost sites. Though the investments in these technologies may be costly at the onset, the long term financial, civic and market exposure benefits far exceed any initial costs incurred.
In the area of corporate philanthropy many corporations are at a loss. They continue to be involved in the conflict between philanthropic giving and investor requests for increased profits. For this reason many corporations engage in context-giving programs. Context-giving programs are programs that are defined as allotting resources to specific projects that will enhance the community while simultaneously enhancing the corporation.
Examples of context-giving initiatives include the Cisco System Networking Academy, which trains computer network administrators and provides job opportunities to those who complete the program; the DreamWorks SKG film production program that trains low-income individuals in occupations that are needed in the film and entertainment industry; and American Express Travel and Tourism Academy which trains high school youth for careers in the hospitality and tourism industry. Corporations that invest in corporate-giving social venture programs are concurrently gaining positive return on their social investment, improving the economic climate of the communities where they are located and gaining positive exposure for their organizations.
At times social ventures do not have the intended impact on the community. A study focusing on the impact of community focused business ventures found that businesses started with the intent of enhancing a community often lose focus by becoming focused on profitability and competition. Competition and self-focused motivators were identified to be factors that played an additional role in the impact and economic role that entrepreneurial ventures have in community settings.
While many foundations, trusts and philanthropic organizations, accumulate and distribute resources with the intent of providing services to enhance specific community or social causes, many of these organizations are looking for ways to gain public exposure for their efforts. Organizations also attempt to leverage their gifting efforts through seeking not-for-profit organizations that are willing match the funding received. The success of funded programs is evaluated through performance outcomes and indicators, and through promoting the organization's work through success stories provided by program clients. These methods are viable ways for funding agencies to acquire value and exposure through their philanthropic efforts and simultaneously continue their efforts to enhance the communities in which they invest.
With the social philanthropic efforts of Warren Buffet and Bill Gates gaining a high degree of attention, and many leaders engaging in activities to promote social advocacy, corporations are seeking ways to also gain exposure with social entrepreneurship. Social entrepreneurship from the corporate perspective can be defined as corporate social initiatives used by a corporate entity as vehicle to show support for social causes. In recent years, many Fortune 500 companies have implemented social ventures with the intent of enhancing their corporate image through providing funding for various social causes.
McDonald's is one such company that has funded social causes for many years. McDonald's primary social venture is the Ronald McDonald House Charities. The Ronald McDonald House provides lodging for the families of adolescents, ranging in age from birth to 18, who are receiving critical care for illness in communities that are away from their community of residence. The Ronald McDonald House allows families to reside in these temporary living facilities throughout the child's period of treatment at no charge.
The Federal Express Corporation also funds programs focused on the implementation of socially responsible programs. FedEx is a supporter of St. Jude's Children's Hospital and has been acknowledged by Reader's Digest as one of "Americas Best Charity Minded Corporation." Federal Express has also been recognized for providing funding for numerous community and civic organizations, including March of Dimes, Heart to Heart organization, an organization that focuses on delivering food and health resources globally, the United Way and the National Civil Rights Museum. These are just a few of the charitable initiatives that allow Federal Express to present itself as a socially conscious organization.
Virgin Mobile has partnered with Youth Noise, a not-for-profit organization that brings youth together for networking and brainstorming opportunities, and Stand Up for Kids, the largest all volunteer not-for-profit organizations in the United States, to implement an initiative to expand its corporate social responsibility activities. The project involves recording artists donating ring tones to Virgin Mobile and through partnership agreements, 5% of the proceeds received through ring tone sales are donated to various "Virgin Mobile Charity Partners." This initiative, established in June 2006, is being positioned to raise over $250,000 annually.
For social ventures to gain global acceptance, corporations need to become involved in ventures that allow employees and consumers to see the social, community and external benefit of these ventures. This process is identified in countries south of the United States, where the concept of social responsibility is one that has been embraced by many but implemented by few. Many government organizations expect non-government, or private organizations to take responsibility for ensuring the stability and longevity of the resources throughout this region while the private sector is looking toward government agencies for intervention.
Paul Van Putten, is an educator, entrepreneur and business consultant in the areas of social entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial start-up, marketing, media management and leadership engagement. Dr. Van Putten has seamlessly transitioned between both academic and corporate environments having served as a College President and Corporate CEO. He has also served as a consultant with national and international organizations.
Article Source:
Keusahawanan Internet
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