Saturday, June 23, 2012

Masalah Perfectionist dalam perniagaan

Keusahawanan Internet

Oleh: Irfan Khairi

Mungkin anda mengenali seorang yang "perfectionist" atau "mahukan kesempurnaan", iaitu, kalau nak melakukan apa-apa, perlu lakukannya 100% perfect. Mungkin juga anda adalah seorang perfectionist.

Masalahnya dengan perfectionist adalah, ianya akan mengambil masa yang lama untuk melakukan sesuatu, mungkin juga tak mulakan langsung. Kerana ingin menjadikannya 100% sempurna. All perfect.

Tidak salahnya menjadi perfectionist sekiranya terbukti ia telah banyak membantu anda. Tetapi, sekiranya menjadi seorang perfectionist hanya melewat-lewatkan sesuatu kerja, atau langsung tidak mulakan sesuatu perniagaan kerana nak pastikan semuanya PERFECT atau SEMPURNA, maka, di situ timbulnya masalah.

Saya ada mengenali seorang kawan, dari dulu lagi nak mulakan perniagaan. Tetapi, dari dulu sampai kini, masih mencari ilmu, masih research, masih survey... sampai makan masa bertahun-tahun tak mulakan perniagaan... sebab dengan alasan, tak cukup ilmu lagi untuk mulakan perniagaan. Dirinya inginkan ilmu sepenuhnya & sempurna sebelum mulakan perniagaan.

Pastinya itu adalah kesilapan yang besar, kerana ILMU tidak akan CUKUP. Kalau belajar ilmu baru, sudah tentunya ada lagi ilmu lain yang belum belajar.

Nasihat saya, tak perlu jadi seorang "perfectionist" sekiranya ia hanya melewatkan matlamat kita. Sesuatu yang sempurna bagi kita (contoh: produk) mungkin belum lagi sempurna untuk orang lain (contoh: pelanggan). Go ALL OUT sementara motivasi dan momentum anda miliki. Cari ilmu dan juga perbaiki perniagaan kita along the way. Tak perlu tunggu sampai segala-galanya 100% perfect.

Mulakan sahaja langkah pertama anda dan lakukan konsep "Kaizen", di mana, setiap hari, setiap bulan, jadikan perniagaan, produk dan perkhidmatan lebih baik! Perbaiki dari masa ke semasa!

Keusahawanan Internet

Internet Entrepreneurship: First Step, Getting Started

Keusahawanan Internet

By Tony Gosling

First steps: choosing the business

When I was thinking about starting an internet business there were a few things that were must have requirements.

The first one was that I needed to be able to get the business to profitability for less than $1600 (£100). In practice each site has cost more than that when you figure in the marketing costs needed to get it off the ground quickly. The silk tie retailing site was set up for less than $300 but when you factor in marketing spend, then I have spent almost $800 per month on marketing, mostly Google Adwords and Overture. It is only after month three that I have got close to breaking even. Anyway, near enough and if you are more patient and make less costly mistakes than me then you should be able to do it for less.

Secondly. The business had to need as little manual work as possible. I am after a business that I can start working part time and as am a management consultant and sell my time by the hour, for me time really is money. I am also not keen on hiring people if I can avoid it. The internet has the potential to offer some really virtual businesses and I wanted to use this. For this reason as well as start-up costs this means that I do not want to stock or handle any products. I do a lot of supply chain consulting work so it was obvious to me that I could have a business that used other companies to buy, store and deliver the products. The easiest way to do this is by using dropshipping. Dropshippers are wholesalers that ship individual customer orders direct to your customers.

There is a lot of information on dropshipping online, however it has to be said that there are some terrible dropshipping companies where prices are too high or products too common to successfulull. Typical of these is thSelect which charges a fee to join, but once you join you find that the prices are often higher than they are being sold for on eBay and are widely sold with lots of competition. It is very hard to make good money from these sort of dropshippers. There are however some good companies out there with niche products where achievable margins are good.

The third requirement was that the business needed to have the potential to generate at least £1k per month in profit. That way with a few web businesses it could become my full time job. I decided that I was not trying to start the next Amazon, instead I was after a good profitable niche. Something not too competitive and with no house-hold names as competitors. This means that I have not gone into electronics even though it is the area I know the best, it is a very competitive market online and were competition includes Amazon and Dixons. To be successful in electronics you either need to find a niche not served by the big boys or spend serious money to get established.

I then started searching for business ideas. I read the get rich quick newsletters, internet marketing newsletters, internet business forums and drop shipping websites. I searched for dropship suppliers then when I found a product that I thought might be promising, did a search for it and checked out the competition. If after that it still looked interesting then I did a keyword search on Google AdWords to find out how many clicks I could get and at what cost.

While doing this I came across some sites selling ready-made business websites. Essentially they provide a shop template, a catalogue and a supplier of stock and off you go. These sell for between £50 ($80) and £500 ($800). I wasted a fair bit of money with a couple of false starts. I bid on a lingerie web business template on eBay with a starting price of £99; my wife was a lingerie merchandiser for Marks & Spencers and so I though she could help, then I saw a gadgets website from the same people and thought I would get that and see if I could find a gadgets niche and bid for that too. Trouble was I then did some more research and found that lingerie was very competitive online and that the supplier I would be getting had a limited selection of very tarty undies at rather high prices. I also found that the gadget supplier was the Select and as I have already said they are overpriced. I then found the tie web business and decided this was a better niche where margins really are 60% and bought that one from DpbUK who have been very good. Unfortunately no one else bid on the two on eBay and I ended up winning them although I no longer wanted them. $300 wasted. Oops. So do your homework carefully before buying; look carefully at the sample sites and try and find some clues to the suppliers, check the competition out and make sure the margins are high enough.

You can read more at my daily blog which you will find at . You can also check out my retail businesses; woven silk ties at and reproduction oil paintings at

You can read more at my daily blog which you will find at . You can also check out my retail businesses; woven silk ties at and reproduction oil paintings at []

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Keusahawanan Internet
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